TNPSC Group I Services Exam Preparation Tips and Tricks

Are you searching TNPSC Group-I Services Exam Preparation Tips & Tricks? And not getting proper information in the web about TNPSC then you are here at the very right place.

As you know that TNPSC Group 1 Services is very competitive examination preparation practice, you must adopt some tips and tricks along with hard work because without a strategy it is complicated to crack TNPSC Group-I Service.

If you will go through with below mentioning guideline by heart, then it is guaranteed that you will be the achiever.

1. Set a timetable for the study

At fast set your study timetable throughout the day. Like if you are habituated to study in the morning then fixed the schedule for the morning. Do the same thing in the afternoon and evening. Thus you able to measure how long you can study in the 24 hours.

2. Be up to date with Syllabus

It is essential that you are studying as per the syllabus of TNPSC Group-I Services because if you are not going through the syllabus, then you might be out of the track of the practice.

3. Follow News Paper and News Channel and Internet

Newspapers and News channels are a source of current affairs and overall events news throughout the world. Try to spend 1 or 2 hours in a day and note down the point which you have viewed or heard otherwise you will forget everything as long day goes. Beside follow official websites for current affairs and GK.

4. Study with descriptive mode

To acquire in-depth knowledge on every subject, i.e., Geography, History, Science, Civics, and Economics, you should follow books from 6th to 12th classes. ‘TNPSC Group 1 Services’ question planner makes the question with very in-depth knowledge basis. This practice undoubtedly places you ahead of the other competitors.

5. Do a lot of practice

It says that ‘Practice makes a man perfect.’ We all know that that consistently rehearsing for something dependably gives you positive outcomes. Furthermore, in every single examination, Aptitude Questions is the necessary procedure to choose the hopefuls. Consequently, to clear the initial step of enrollment, dependably ensure that you practice for the aptitude routinely. Your execution portrays your critical thinking capacity. You may think how and what to plan for aptitude. Indeed, you have to cover the subjects like Mathematics, Reasoning, and English by a good writer, which you may allude to get ready well for the preparation of aptitude.

6. Strengthen your weaker areas

Weaker or negative part of your study may defeat you. Mock Test is the way to know where you are missing and on which area or topic you have to work more. You can test your capacity to solve problems and evaluating your speed to finish the exam with several mock tests done.

7. Follow previous years question pattern

Past years question papers give you the whole idea about what types of question you may ask to solve in TNPSC Group-I Services examination. Accordingly, you have to prepare for those question-solving tricks.


Remember your ability is your capability. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it! Opportunity is always under your feet; you need to recognize it. The Wisdom Academy, Chennai wishes you a best of luck for your ‘TNPSC Group-I Services’ examination.


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